Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I originally wrote this poem for my brother Terry in 1996; it was one year after my family and I had moved from California to Virginia.  Things were very tight then and I couldn't afford to buy him a gift, in fact, I think that was the very first year that I wasn't able to give him one.  We had always been close; he was my only sibling and moving was very hard for me.  So, I decided to write a poem for him and I decoupaged it onto a piece of cardboard and I couldn't even afford to mail it to him until later in February of that year.  I consider it to be my January Poem and I hope you like it:


Christmas comes and Christmas goes
Amid the rain and wintry snows
The bells are silent in the square
The wreaths are gone that hung everywhere

The lights that twinkled so brightly now are dim
The mangers of straw are put away that revealed Him
But His true love still rings across the land
It's a timeless love that will always stand

No one can silence the Angels as they sing
He is still Lord!  He is still King!
The earth is still in joyful song
From the babbling brooks and creeks; to rivers long

In the trees that rise skyward lifting arms in praise
Meadows with tall grass in the wind sways
The birds cannot contain their joy inside
The sun rises and its happy face it cannot hide

God's people are still gathering across this great land
Proclaiming aloud His love hand in hand
We can truly keep Christmas in our heart
Hidden so deeply inside it can never depart

God's Son still lives and deserves our praise
Let us never forget our voices to raise
He is the King of Glory and will ever be!
So Christmas will always live through you and me

Sheri L. Swift

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