Monday, June 15, 2015


I never dreamed in 2009 when I published my first book it would become a series.  Lana had been a part of me since I was a junior in high school.  I wrote her story through several rounds of radiation and it became an escape from the pain for me.

I couldn't keep thoughts of Jedediah out of my head and his book slowly began to form with his close friendship with his merman friend Makoa and their humor.  Jedediah's story was soon told.

Over the last three years I had been writing Lizzy's story and it is an exciting day as her story goes live today.  She discovers things about herself she never thought possible.

As God allows, I am now beginning to write the last Prentis sibling's story.  It's Will's turn to become a young man with decisions to make as to live the life of his Mer relations or to move to the mainland and build a new life for himself.

But that's for another day, today is Lizzy's day & I hope you all enjoy her story  ;)

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