Monday, January 13, 2014

The Little Merwalker who could

As I sit here writing this today I am amazed how well my book Legend of the Mer is doing on #Amazon #Kindle.  As of today, my ebook is on Amazon's Best Seller's list in three categories, #12, #28 and #33.

Since I published in 2009, she's gone through several revisions and a facelift with a new cover design for the ebook and print cover.

The sequel, Legend of the Mer II ~ The New Guardian is also doing well and frequently on 1-3 of Amazon's Best Seller's lists.

Now I'm beginning to write the third in the series and it's so fun to sit at the table again with the Prentis family and swim with the Mer as they travel from Safe Harbor Island in the North Atlantic to Mer Island in the South Pacific.

Thank you to all the readers in the US, UK and all over the world who have helped to keep this Little Merwalker on top!  As I always say, #GoMerwalker!  #GoGuardian!  ;)